• Healthy Summer Foods
    It’s summer—that wonderful time of year when fresh and delicious produce abounds. the doctor will tell you that your teeth, gums, and tissues all rely on an appropriate mix of Read more
  • Proper Brushing Techniques
    Brushing your teeth properly removes the food particles and bacteria that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. However, you do not want to scrub your teeth or gums Read more
  • Memorial Day: Parades, remembrance, and the unofficial start of summer!
    “The purpose of all war is peace.” - Saint Augustine Fire truck sirens, baton twirlers, marching bands covering patriotic tunes, colorful floats, costumes, and millions of red, white, and blue American Read more
  • Improve your oral health with xylitol!
    Xylitol tastes sweet, but unlike sugar, it is not converted to acid that can cause your teeth to decay. It’s a naturally occurring sweetener found in plants, fruits, and vegetables; Read more
  • Celebrate Your Mom’s Smile with These Mother’s Day Gifts
    Mother’s Day is around the corner, and if you’re looking for some different gifting ideas for one of the most important people in your life, we have some suggestions for Read more
  • Summer is Almost Here: Tips for a bright, white smile!
    Summer is almost here, which means a season full of vacations, adventures and great memories is just around the corner for our patients at Dickinson & Branon Dental Care. Everyone Read more
  • Generic Clear Aligners vs. Invisalign®
    You may have a talent for home repairs. You may be able to rebuild your computer. You may even be able to put together a whole room of furniture armed Read more
  • Make Every Day Earth Day
    Earth Day began in 1970 as an event to raise awareness of our environment. What began as a single day in April is now recognized around the world to bring Read more
  • What is a crown?
    the doctor and our team at Dickinson & Branon Dental Care hear this question all the time. Millions of people have dental crowns that artificially restore the chewing surface of Read more
  • Do Spring Allergies Mean (B)Looming Dental Problems?
    April showers bring May flowers, and May flowers bring . . . allergies. If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from seasonal allergies, you might be suffering Read more
  • Are you a tooth grinder?
    Perhaps you had a particularly irritating commute home from work, and you realize at the end that your jaw was clenched tight the entire time. Or maybe you grind your Read more
  • Is gingivitis preventable?
    The earliest sign of gum disease is called gingivitis (sometimes called periodontal disease), and is an inflammation of the gums. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to gum tissue loss, Read more
  • St. Patrick's Day: Celtic pride, green shamrocks, and lucky charms!
    “St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time -- a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic.” Adrienne Cook Lucky green shamrocks, leprechauns, and pots of gold – it must Read more
  • Good Nutrition Leads to Healthy Mouths
    At Dickinson & Branon Dental Care, we know the most common oral health diseases are tooth decay and periodontal disease (or gum disease), and both are among the easiest to Read more
  • Who benefits from Invisalign®?
    One problem with trying to answer the question as to who benefits from Invisalign is that the simple answer is “almost everyone.” The see-through, almost invisible aligners for straightening teeth Read more

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